IT Campaign --- i.SPORt Competition 2001
What is IT Campaign? This must sound unfamiliar even to many OSArs, since this is a new activity organized in session 2000-2001. In recent years, in view of the application of information technology in various aspects and to prepare our teenagers to adapt to this change, the Hong Kong government has been actively involved in a series of plans that advocate the use of IT in learning. This enables students to master many new computing skills. In session 2000-2001, for the first time in our history, we joined hands with a computer magazine in organizing this “i.SPORt Competition 2001”. Our objective is to promote quality education, to let competitors use IT in day to day’s learning and in the process of cooperating with others. We hope to raise the public’s awareness to recreational sports and healthy lifestyle. The competition is divided into secondary and primary category, tertiary category and open section. Competing teams are required to produce a short video clip or animation on a topic related to sports. The judging panel comprises distinguished representatives from the fields of sports and IT.
Leadership Training Seminar 2000 – Resilience
The Leadership Training Seminar was launched since 198?, and has been held with a special theme every year to promote the qualities of a leader among Hong Kong students. This year, our theme was ‘Resilience’, which means the ability to recover under adverse situations. Two seminars on related topics were held. In addition, participants from various schools were involved in games, debates, group discussions and presentations. This provided them with the chance to share their own thoughts with each other so as to broaden their horizons. They also enjoyed themselves through cooperation and teamwork.
Future Young Leader’s Forum
The Outstanding Young Persons’ Association and the Education Department jointly organized the “Future Young Leaders’ Forum” on 25th and 26th September 2000 for over two thousand senior secondary school students. Representatives of the Hong Kong Outstanding Students’ Association were invited to be reporting secretaries on the second day. We presented a summary on the content of the six group discussion sessions on the second day. The Outstanding Young Person speakers had also opened our eyes to invaluable insights and personal experience regarding how to become a capable leader.

Best Improved Students Award Presentation Ceremony
The Best Improved Students Award was set up in 1990 to encourage students to improved both on character building and academic fronts. As we believe the eagerness to improve is the foundation to success, HKOSA has been showing our appreciation towards all awardees by assisting the Lion and Globe Educational Trust to organize the ceremony every year. Distinguished guests such as Education Department officials would deliver their words of encouragement. Pop singers who had shown progress in the year would invited to perform. Our members have been involved in performances and other kinds of jobs.

Christmas Gathering
On the 22nd December 2000, we had our annual Christmas Gathering at the Police Sports and Recreation Club in Mongkok. We had barbecue there in the warm atmosphere in spite of the old weather. OSArs enjoyed the lucky draw and the Christmas cake very much. We all had a great time that night, bring fond memories home after the gathering.
Computer Animation and Fashion Design Competition on Environmental Protection
The finals and prize presentation ceremony of the Computer Animation and Fashion Design Competition on Environmental Protection, jointly organized by the Summer Youth Programme Committee and the HKOSA was held successfully at the Academic Hall on 17th February 2001 from 7pm to 9pm.
The objective of the Computer Animation Design Competition was to promote multi-media presentation skills and animation design, giving students an opportunity o explore their creativity and ideas. The completion was divided into secondary section and open section. Competitors were requested to submit a CDR with an animation clip of less than 90 seconds recorded on it.
The aim of the Fashion Design Competition was to encourage teenagers to be more aware of the natural environment and to improve students’ creativity, art sense and team spirit. According to the drafts’ creativity, aesthetic quality, cost-effectiveness and theme, fourteen teams were selected into the finals.
日期: 二○○○年十一月二十日(星期一) 時間: 晚上七時三十分至九時三十分 地點: 銅鑼灣素捍甫大球場徑一號體育大樓二樓賽馬會演講廳 傑出青年嘉賓:楊學明牧師 莫儉榮先生 鍾惠玲博士 劉德華先生
楊學明牧師說述了他從一個過著流浪生活的街童變成傑青的經過。莫儉榮先生則將少時活潑好動的他克服視力障礙,走出黑暗深谷的過程帶給各位參加者。鍾惠玲博士向觀眾講出了她和各種病魔搏鬥,奮勇戰勝病魔, 活出她的生命中的彩虹的經歷。劉德華先生則和參加者分享了他的成長路、他人生中的高低起跌和目標,各參加者皆聽得非常投入,津津樂道。