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ExCo Year

Last Updated:

10 Apr 2022


華藝龍情, Student Leaders of Tomorrow Scheme, Youth Summit, Interflow Camp

#1 華藝龍情

香港是一個國際知名的大都會,中西合璧。然而,回歸之前,香港人受英國的殖民統治,一直被形容為「無根的人」,香港人不知如何確定自己的身份及國籍。如今,香港回歸祖國六年多,香港人是否真的建立起對祖國的歸屬感呢? 處身在這個資訊科技瞬息萬變的世代,我們的文化不斷受到衝擊,到底有多少香港的學生─未來社會的主人翁,曾細細思量過我們的根是什麼呢?再者,處身在被貶為「文化沙漠」中的香港人,又可曾反思過何謂中國的文化呢?帶著這些問題,香港傑出學生協會本著「傑生創義,傑生創意,傑生創藝」的宗旨,籌辦了一個名為「華藝龍情—讓中國文化踏進你的生活」的活動。 我們希望可以透過講座,一連串的工作坊,包括繩結、剪紙、草編、麵塑、茶藝和皮影戲等等,並讓學生親自策劃一個展覽會,製作攤位,學以致用,務求令香港學生更能親近中國藝術文化。我們不奢求學生在短期內便深深愛上中國藝術文化,又或者在短期內已學懂很多關於中國藝術文化的知識,我們只希望打開學生學習及了解中國文化之門。或許,中國藝術只是中國文化的鳳毛鱗角,然而中國藝術精神與中國文化精神是相契合,相影響的。中國精神的無限生機,實源自它的傳統。我們所期待的是,學生能體會到這「鳳毛鱗角」的閃閃生輝,同時也了解到源遠流長的中國文化魅力非凡!四十名中二至中三級的香港學生參加了此計劃。


#2 Hong Kong Youth Summit 2004

In Hong Kong, the youths of today are the leaders of tomorrow. It is therefore essential that society do its best to help these youths develop a sense of social awareness. We also aspire to encourage the exchange of ideas amongst young people and to allow a channel for them to express their ideas to the public. The Hong Kong Youth Summit 2004 aimed at developing youths' sense of belonging towards Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Youth Summit 2004 was a simulation of the General Assembly of the United Nations. In the Summit, participants will analyse current issues from different perspectives, discuss the issues thoroughly and finally draft proposals for improvement to the government. We hope that through this process, youths will learn the importance of considering the interests of Hong Kong as a whole. 160 Forms Four and Six students from local and international schools throughout Hong Kong were invited for this project.


#3 Student Leaders of Tomorrow Scheme 2004

Student Leaders of Tomorrow Scheme was a pioneer approach to traditional leadership training of the Hong Kong Outstanding Students' Association. That year, the theme of our scheme is known as "My Portrait as a Youth". The aim was to help student leaders to better observe and understand, while at the same time observe themselves—have a clearer self-image. Unlike the usual leadership training schemes, this scheme provided more than leadership skills and served as a medium for student leaders. Participants were able to extend their scope of the world, as we focused on training participants by allowing them interaction with outstanding social leaders of different sectors of the community, thus enabling them realize their own values through participation. We hoped that they could bring what they had acquired back to school through their reputation of student leaders at schools and pass it on to other students, especially the future leaders. 50 Chairpersons and Vice-chairpersons of Students' Association of schools were invited for this project.


#4 Interflow Camp 2004

The theme "G Generation" of the Interflow Camp that year was about globalisation and the role that the participants should play. The theme was set because we hoped to arouse the concern of participants about the international community. We would also like our participants to have a better understanding on poverty, malnutrition and other problems which are threatening the whole world.

Hong Kong is an international city and its ties with the rest of the world are tight. Therefore, students should have a stronger sense of global citizenship and develop an interest to concern for global issues. They should be encouraged to analyse and interpret international issues from a broader global perspective. Through the interflow camp, we hoped that our participants could learn to be conscientious and responsible members of the international community. They should be able to comprehend the interdependence of different cities, nations and continents so that they could be most committed to take a more active role in global issues. Also, by identifying the problems the world is facing, we hoped that participants could also suggest solutions to these problems and help build a better place to live in. 120 Secondary 3 to 5 students from 34 secondary schools were invited for this project.

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